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Διεύθυνση Ιδιωτικού Ιατρείου στη Θεσσαλονίκη
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Διεύθυνση Ιατρικό Διαβαλκανικό Θεσσαλονίκης
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Τηλ.: 2310 400000
Fax: 2310 471 056


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Web TV

Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
Total Gastrectomy
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης
Rewind the Future
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Single Port Surgery Animation
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Total Gastrectomy
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Rewind the Future
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Single Port Surgery Animation
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Single Port Surgery Animation
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Rewind the Future
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Total Gastrectomy
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
Total Gastrectomy
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Rewind the Future
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Single Port Surgery Animation
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Rewind the Future
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Total Gastrectomy
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Single Port Surgery Animation
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Α' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Παχυσαρκία Χειρουργική Αντιμετώπιση
15/3/2015 Β' Μέρος
Ηλίας Σδράλης
Rewind the Future
Crushing Weight: Jacob's Story
A Cincinnati Children's Documentary
Obesidade Grau III
A realidade de um obeso
(MGB) Mini Gastric Bypass surgical procedure
Animated version
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Animated version
Gastric Bypass
Animated version
Duodenal switch animation
From hawaiiweightloss.com. The duodenal switch restricts the amount of food that you are able to eat, as well as restricts the amount of fat that the body digests. The DS has a 4-5 ounce long vertical pouch, as well as the duodenum connecting to the last five feet of the small intesting. This results in the separation of food and juices for more than 12 feet. Dr. Cirangle has done the most laparoscopic surgical weight loss DS procedures in the State of Hawaii with the lowest complication rate. His weight loss clinic has the most comprehensive weight loss plan with a full time therapist and dietitian. Video courtesy of Ethicon.
Surgery for Esophagus Cancer, Esophagectomy-Mayo Clinic
GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)
Total Gastrectomy
Subtotal Gastrectomy (90%)
Single Port Surgery Animation
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοπαγκρεατική Εκτροπή
Λαπαροσκοπική Γαστρική Παράκαμψη Μίας Αναστόμωσης
Λαπαροσκοπική Υστρεκτομή μετά Εξαρτημάτων
Υβριδική Υφολική Γαστρεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική Χολοκυστεκτομή
Λαπαροσκοπική 3D Γαστρική Παράκαμψη μίας Αναστόμωσης